Terms of Service
Last updated: 2024/09/12
2.1. The following terms used in these Terms of Service shall have the meanings set forth below:
  • "Virtual Asset" means any digital representation of value that is not an official currency, digital form of securities, nor electronic money authorized by the Central Bank; which can be digitally transferred, traded, or used for payment or investment purposes;
  • "Denode" or "Platform" means the Platform developed by And Dnode LLC providing virtual asset services at www.denode.io;
  • "Account" means the Client's registration, access, any virtual asset services used, and related information registered on the Platform
  • "Platform Services" or "Services" mean any virtual asset services provided to clients through the Denode platform, including:
  • 1) exchanging virtual assets and fiat currencies;
    2) exchanging one or more types of virtual assets;
    3) transferring virtual assets;
    4) safekeeping and administration of virtual assets or instruments enabling control over virtual assets;
    5) participation in and provision of financial services related to an issuer's offer and/or sale of a virtual asset;
  • "Privacy Policy" means the policy governing any relationship with the Client on the Denode platform;
  • "Terms of Service" means the legally binding document governing the relationship between the Client and the Service Provider regarding the Client's access to the Platform via www.denode.io website, registration, use of any services offered on the Platform, and any related matters arising between the parties;
  • "Service Provider" means AND Dnode LLC, officially registered with the regulatory authority in accordance with the Virtual Asset Service Providers Law and related regulations, and the Denode platform it has developed and operates;
  • "Verified User" means an individual or legal entity that meets the Platform's registration requirements and has completed the relevant registration and verification processes;
  • "Accredited Investor" shall mean a Client who, having met the requisite criteria and undergone appropriate verification procedures as prescribed by applicable laws and regulations, has been duly authorized by the Service Provider to access and participate in the restricted section of the Denode Platform designated exclusively for Accredited Investors. Such authorization shall be subject to ongoing compliance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements, and may be revoked at the discretion of the Service Provider if the Client ceases to meet the applicable criteria for Accredited Investor status.
  • “Politically Exposed Person (PEP)” means an individual who is or has been entrusted with prominent public functions, including but not limited to heads of state or government, senior politicians, senior government, judicial or military officials, senior executives of state-owned corporations, and important political party officials, as well as their family members and close associates.
  • "Tokenized Stocks" or “Global Stocks” shall mean a digital representation of value in the form of a virtual asset that signifies a notional or synthetic interest in shares, equity interests, debt securities, units or shares in investment funds, or other financial instruments, without conferring actual ownership rights, legal title, or status as a security as defined under applicable securities laws and regulations.
  • "Launchpad" shall mean the designated section of the Denode Platform where Issuers may list new Projects for potential investment opportunities.
  • "Issuer" means an Approved Registered User that is approved to list a Project on the Launchpad section of the Denode Platform in accordance with the Virtual Asset Service Provider Law and includes any Issuer Obligors.
  • "Project" means the listing of an investment opportunity on the Launchpad section of the Denode Platform.
  • “Issuer Obligors” means where the offeror of the virtual asset is a person other than the Issuer, such person; (i) in relation to a submission of a Project for compliance with the Eligibility Criteria, the person requesting admission, if that person is not the Issuer of the virtual asset; (ii) the guarantor for any obligations in respect of the virtual asset, if any; (iii) for asset-backed tokens, any person whose assets the Issuer of the virtual asset has recourse against; and (iv) each person not falling within any of the previous paragraphs any authorised representative of the Issuer.
  • "Restricted Section" means the section of the Platform that can only be accessed by an approved Issuer and Investor.