Privacy Policy
Last updated: 2024/09/12
2.1. The Client shall provide their personal information to the Service Provider by entering it into the Platform in a complete, accurate, and comprehensible manner for the purpose of using the Platform and its services as suitable for them, and hereby consents to do so voluntarily.
2.2. The Client shall independently bear any responsibility and risks arising from failure to enter their personal information completely, accurately, and comprehensibly.
2.3. When registering on the Platform or creating a personal account, and when using the virtual asset services offered by the platform, the Client shall provide the Service Provider with the following personal information by entering it into the Platform:
2.3.1. To access, register, and create an account on the Platform:
  • Phone number, email address, surname, given name.
  • 2.3.2. To become a Verified Registered Client:
  • For individuals: copy of citizen's identity card or foreign passport and relevant civil registration information such as residential address; for legal entities: state registration certificate, charter, information of authorized representatives, information of ultimate beneficial owners, and other necessary information depending on the type of service to be received through the platform;
  • A photograph of one's face.
  • 2.3.3. To become a Professional Investor Client:
  • Proof of income
  • 2.3.4. Other necessary information
    2.3.5. Other information created by the Client on the Platform
  • Username, login password, transaction password or PIN code created by the Client while using the Platform, as well as trading history, any account and transaction information made through the Wallet, etc. that arose during the use of the Platform.
  • 2.4. Enhanced Due Diligence: The Service Provider may, at its sole discretion, require Clients to undergo Enhanced Due Diligence procedures. Such procedures may require the collection of additional personal information, which will be processed and stored in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
    2.5. Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs): Clients identified as PEPs are subject to additional due diligence measures. PEPs may be required to provide additional personal information, including but not limited to, source of funds and wealth documentation.
    2.6. Corporate Account Information: For corporate accounts, the Service Provider will collect additional information including, but not limited to, certificate of incorporation, memorandum and articles of association, board resolutions, and identification documents for all authorized representatives and beneficial owners.
    2.7. Accredited Investors: Clients seeking status as Accredited Investors may be required to provide additional personal and financial information to verify their eligibility. Such information will be processed and stored with heightened security measures commensurate with its sensitivity.
    2.8. Device Information: When you access our Platform, we may collect information about the device you're using, including the type of device, operating system, device settings, unique device identifiers, and crash data.
    2.9. The Client shall have the ability to manage, change, and edit their information through the Platform.
    2.10. The Service Provider shall only collect the Client's personal information that the Client has voluntarily provided in accordance with this Privacy Policy, or that has been generated during the use of the Platform.
    2.11. If there is a need to collect information from the Client that is not specified in this Privacy Policy, the Service Provider shall obtain the Client's consent each time through the Platform.
    2.12. Authorized third parties other than the Service Provider may collect and process the Client's information on the platform only on the grounds specified in the relevant laws and regulations.
    2.13. It is important that you keep your contact information in your account up-to-date. Please promptly update your account information if it changes.