3.1. Information on the virtual asset issuer's state registration:
3.1.1. A copy of the virtual asset issuer's state registration certificate;
3.1.2. A copy of the virtual asset issuer's company charter;
3.1.3. Detailed information on the legal entity of the virtual asset issuer.
3.2. Contact information of the virtual asset issuer:
3.2.1. Website or social media page address;
3.2.2. Contact email address;
3.2.3. Name, position, and phone number of the contact person.
3.3. Information on the virtual asset issuer's operations:
3.3.1. Introduction of the virtual asset issuer;
3.3.2. Information on the management team, work experience, and education of the virtual asset issuer;
3.3.3. Details on the allocation of raised funds and the project overview;
3.3.4. Financial statements of the virtual asset issuer for up to the last three years, along with the auditor's conclusions on these statements.
3.4. Information on the shareholders, ultimate owners, and authorized officials of the virtual asset issuer:
3.4.1. Certified information on the shareholders, ultimate owners, and the number and percentage of shares held by them;
3.4.2. A certificate from an authorized organization confirming that the shareholders and ultimate owners have no involvement in economic crimes or overdue debts;
3.4.3. A certificate from an authorized organization confirming that the authorized officials of the virtual asset issuer have no involvement in economic crimes or overdue debts.